Our Story



     We're Gina & Janiya, the mother-and-daughter duo behind Girl Plus Gloss LLC. On July 20th, 2016, my hubby and I had our precious baby girl Janiya. She brought us overwhelming joy with her tiny fingers and toes. However, that joy turned to worry when the doctor mentioned being unable to get the mucus out of her throat, making it difficult for her to breathe. We were stunned as they rushed her to the NICU.

     Soon, we learned our daughter had Pierre Robin syndrome—a rare condition causing an underdeveloped lower jaw and feeding difficulties—and a soft cleft palate that left her uvula split in half. The news was devastating; she needed surgeries to fix her jaw, the cleft palate, and a feeding tube in her stomach which was called a Mickey button. It felt like our world had shattered.

     Despite numerous surgeries and a tough hospital journey, our daughter, Janiya, still faces some ongoing challenges. Witnessing her struggle is heartbreaking.

     One day, while watching a video of a bullied girl on social media, it hit me hard. I realized Janiya might face similar struggles due to her appearance and speech challenges. I knew I had to boost her confidence and self-esteem early on, to help her rise above any possible negativity and shape her future adulthood.

     Knowing Janiya loved lip gloss, I decided to have some mommy and me time and make some together. As we crafted, I wrote an affirmation on a label and stuck it on her lip gloss. Every day, she'd read it, smile, put on her gloss, and feel amazing. It was like witnessing a caterpillar transforming into a beautiful butterfly.

     Seeing her confidence grow inspired us. We wanted to help other moms empower their daughters to affirm themselves and overcome insecurities and low self-esteem, with fun and simple self-affirmation products so they can become confident and resilient. And so, Girl Plus Gloss was born—a mission to spread confidence and positivity, one lip gloss at a time.

"Affirmed, Assured, & Amazing Girls"

     At Girl+Gloss, we're not just another lip gloss company. We're a premium lip gloss brand on a mission that speaks to every girl. We know that life sometimes throws challenges that can shake your self-esteem so we've added affirmations like "cute & confident" and "brave & beautiful" onto our glosses. They're like little daily pep talks that remind you of how truly precious you are. Every time you read them, you're not just applying lip gloss, you're affirming and giving yourself a lift. It's a simple, yet beautiful way to weave self-care and self-love into your daily routine. We want to fill you with unwavering and limitless confidence, so you can stand tall and rise above when faced with negativity, haters, or bullies.

         🦋Alya the Butterfly🦋

       Meet Alya, the cherished mascot of Girl+Gloss, a radiant butterfly with a message that resonates with girls of all ages. Life is full of transformations and growth, and we've all undergone significant changes in life.

      Just as a butterfly gracefully emerges from its cocoon, we, too, can navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience. It's a universal message, encouraging all of us to rise above negativity, embrace our inner strength, and find the beauty in transformation.

      So, together, let's spread our wings and soar to new heights, all the while nurturing a sense of greatness within ourselves, reminding us all that beauty and strength can be found within. 🦋💫

 🗊From One Mom to Another:

     As parents, we share a common concern - the well-being of our daughters in a world fraught with societal pressures that can erode their self-esteem and confidence. It's pivotal to instill these attributes early on, equipping our girls to confront life's challenges with unwavering resilience and inner strength, paving their way toward becoming self-assured adults.

    Let's forge a community of mothers dedicated to nurturing strong, confident daughters, regardless of the hand they're dealt in life. Their stories are still unfolding, and it's never too late to shape the narrative and steer their future. Together, we can guide our girls to see themselves in a positive light and adore the reflections they encounter in the mirror.

     One lip gloss at a time, one empowering affirmation, one little girl embracing the beauty of her own skin. Through a series of heartfelt conversations and thoughtful initiatives, my aim is to provide support to incredible youth programs and non-profit organizations that empower girls to affirm themselves and establish the boundaries that make them feel secure.

     The best part? You're not alone in this journey. By joining us, you actively contribute to our mission, all while enjoying the luxury of high-quality lip gloss. Together, let's uplift the spirits of our daughters and invest in their brighter, more confident future. 💄🌟